
*recoup investments... unless your currency is indeed live chickens.

I’m thinking it’s “The Right Can’t Meme”’s version of the Iron Curtain... I can’t for the life of me imagine that a Meat Curtain would be any better, IMO.

Just.... No.

Talk to me, Goose. (Been waiting decades to do that.)

“Back in Spec”.

Yet the Yarping about about the changes never seems to go away.

5th gear: A few years ago, my wife had to commute from St. Paul, MN to Fairbanks, AK for the better part of a year, flying there and back at least once per month. She joined Delta Airlines and Alaska Airlines Diamond® Preffered, or whatever to expedite services and fees, as well as some pretty awesome rental car

Some vets like my dad who retired after almost 30 years combined Army/Navy never breathe a word of their service after their time is done. Other vets (ahem) like my uncle who served one tour in the marines (stateside) in the early 60's, will worm their heroic service into every paragraph.  

Very well thought out. I hope we get to here the 2A blowhards on here suck their thumb at you.

*Tenets of their faith.  I had to.

This guy HST’s.

This car is the Automotive Iteration of our current president.  The only thing missing is the orange and obesity.

Just going to stencil “Black Mesa Research Facility” on the doors, sand, prime, and paint my trouble areas with satin grey & enjoy not worrying about door dings or branch scratches.  I might get it painted when I fully retire.

Funny story... My rig is close to being roadworthy after a year of restoring. It’s sat in the Redding, CA sun for 50+ years, and it has some small dents and dings I’d like ironed out, (as well as some surface rust that’s developing, as it’s no longer in Redding) so got an estimate on removing a few dents and a full

Sigh... Mel Blanc, we’ll miss you.

My Scout 800 has a badge on the side stating it’s “All Wheel Drive”... Who should I inform of this gross misuse of the term?

They’re (JLR) the only auto company making their own electric motors, IIRC... I’ve heard Mercedes has been courting them as a source.

Those “thin blue line” stickers sure look nice after drawing in the other colors of the rainbow with a sharpie...

I’d love a meeting of like-minded off road enthusiasts... maybe all ten of us that are left can arrange a trail run.