I have some anecdotal tales from the twin cities, all third-hand however.
My wife had a volvo she had owned for 15 years when I met her... I judged correctly and married her.
“Waaah! That guy hates facists! I’m triggered!” That’s you. That’s how you sound right now.
A little birdie told me that VW will have a $22k electric with a 220 mile range in the U.S. by 2022. Discuss.
My wife and I almost finished an episode... we couldn’t make it through 17 minutes of this cringefest. Production values are shoddy, the main actor/writer(?) doesn’t have any redeeming aesthetic... be it physical, emotional or mental. We’ll never get those minutes of our lives back.
In college we’d get high while playing Earthworm Jim & forget we were playing while watching the idle screens.... Hilarious.
We did that every 3-4 years as a military family. That shit got old.
Didn’t pHase him...
Be nice... their M1 also has a magazine.
Is it good for Bitcoin, though...?
The new Bronco and Bebbeh Bronc are going to be the two hammers that nail GM’s attempt at off-roading shut. Don’t@me.
We garden pretty extensively, and estate sales are a fun hobby for us. In 5 years we’ve only had 2 occasions to need a pickup. A V70XC has plenty of room.
I’ve honestly only had one project in my life where I needed the amount of wallboard that could fit in a pickup. Our contractor usually had it delivered. FWIW... years prior, I was the wallboard delivery Schlep. Probably why I never want to handle it again.
TRS-80... I can still remember the programming book that came with it. My brother and I belted on that keyboard for what seems like ages. To play their version of Pong. Sigh....
Tandy TRS-80, here... complete with tape drive (protip: tape the tone knob so it doesn’t get bumped and negate the 25 minutes your program has been uploading) Galactic Attack, I think it was... Third grade.
We get it. It’s still 32 years old and hard to get parts for and ugly AF. CP. You only gotta type it once, Francis.
We get it. It’s still 32 years old and hard to get parts for and ugly AF. CP. You only gotta type it once, Francis.
We get it. It’s still 32 years old and hard to get parts for and ugly AF. CP. You only gotta type it once, Francis.