
I know Taylor... I helped get his dads 244 wired back together in -5 F weather because his ‘76 T/A has been taking up the one spare space in his parents garage for over a decade. He’s been too busy paying to have his Allroad fixed. Repeatedly. I wish any of this were untrue.  He really means well.

No more crashed ice in St. Paul... if there is one this year, then its the last from what Ive heard.

I saw someone wearing a Class Of 94" letterman jacket the other day... it barely fit, was thread-and-leatherbare, but had 1993 STATE CHAMPS blasted across the back. Thats what these old machines are... a reminder that your best days are behind you, and the world keeps moving on.

A number of like-minded vigilantes who have more money than sense would be really cathartic for most of the country right now.


Ayd mill is a truly hidden treasure... easiest wasy to 35E from my neck of the woods.

After driving in the Santa Rosa area and Fairbanks, Ive come to the conclusion that MN roads are honestly not that bad, comparitively.

I think they used ground up tires in the asphalt mix... Phoenix did this on a stretch of highway in the early aughts. Going from old asphalt to this mix reduced road noise considerably. IIRC, the asphalt/vulcanized rubber expanded and contracted better than pure asphalt as well.

People who buy cars like these have no idea what the word discount even means...

Panel gaps of a Model 3 on a clapped-out honda for over $20k? Do you have any idea how many 240DLs I can hoard for that kind of scratch?

Geely has largely left Volvo and Polestar to their own devices, providing revenue and supply chain benefits. Its what Ford should have done when they had the tiller.

Bay Area CL fastbacks, notchbacks and squarebacks are fairly common. Holding out for a 914 when I move there.


Well need DNA evidence, sir or madam.

My dad used to run rally-style races between Meridian, FL and Norfolk, VA back in the 60's (Triumph TR3), and his co-driver was Black. He had some stories about buying fuel that still raise my hackles. Eventually they made note of all the places they could fuel, eat, etc. without fearing for their lives.

Up on the north shore, its listed as off road fuel. My S70 loved it.

You go to Hell, Torch... You go to hell and You Die!! /s

My nephew’s been creeped out by magicians since seeing Gob Bluth. Another public service by Arrested Development.

Dat JEEP QC tho...

I know... its hard to see and not criticize. Good on Peter for teaching himself how on the fly...