Neutral: Our newest car is a ‘99 V70XC... There is no “tech”. I have headlight wipers, though, and an automatic anntennae which sounds like a corpse farting when it deploys.
Neutral: Our newest car is a ‘99 V70XC... There is no “tech”. I have headlight wipers, though, and an automatic anntennae which sounds like a corpse farting when it deploys.
I loved his Porche. Paul Walker himself, however, can go die in a.... Hmmm. Nevermind.
The amount of $ we’ve saved by maintaining our twenty-year old Volvos is astounding. We’re moving across the country in a year and plan on driving both of them. we’ve thought about buying newer vehicles, yet it’s turned into a battle of wills... seeing how many miles we can eke out for the least money. To be fair, we’v…
Someone needs to do this with IHC Scout II’s, Terras, and travelalls. Yesterday, plz.
Self-pitying? check... Angry? Check... Billionaire? Well, now... that’s yet to be seen.
We’ll buy a Volvo hybrid, then wait for an all-electric Polestar. Volvo remains lightyears ahead of DoucheBro Auto Co. regarding ergonomics and design, and Polestar has the benefit of not having to work in tents.
Knife Switches
Somehow it’ll still leak oil.
Polaris has a large mfg facility in Poland, so the bikes and SBS’s for Europe will probably be built there.
When did Lambo get in the scooter biz
My XC70 would like a word...
Careful on that edge...
Norway is smart. I don’t think they’d venture into a cash-hemorrhaging tent city with a narcissist at its helm.
After investing in some major front end bits and bobs, my S70 magically lost it’s interior vibrations. I used to be able to tell what my RPM was by what area of my interior was buzzing.
This episode is one of the best as far as tracing a story arc. The musical bit at the end when Brock drops off Billy with White, the look on his sunburnt, albino face....
Apparently not enough of “you” to keep hardly afloat. sorry, not sorry.
You sound shook... almost as if your entire world is disintegrating around you while fox news blathers on in the background. It’s OK, Tanner... I’m sure you’ll be able to buy black market HD T-shirts after they’re folded into Tata or Geely.
Anecdotal, I know... however, I worked briefly forPolaris’ parts distributor in St. Paul. We were sending cargo containers full of Ranger and Razor parts, and parts for the Military JP8 Side-by-sides to Poland two years ago.
My M-1 carbine has a clip. my AK-47 has a magazine, and my Ithaca .22cal has a tube (which is a non-removable magazine). Doesn’t make your opinions any less thought-out and vomited onto GMG.