
Make up for hit piece...

Stop trying to spin a defective, premium product into something positive...

Deadspin has dug in their heels on a really bad take with the whole Caster Semenya story. It is just an ugly situation, but that does not mean it is discriminatory. Look, the athletics categories are “male” and “female”, and we are not talking about those categories in terms of which one you personally identify as.

What the hell did I just read?

“I would never be brave enough to do what Jussie did. He put his personal freedom at stake and shined a light into some dark corners that need cleaning. In a way, I’m proud of him. Because it doesn’t necessarily matter that this event didn’t happen. It matters that it could happen. That’s the real issue here. So good

Well, it didn’t take long for his apologists to slither out into the light.

She’s a black Muslim Democratic woman. The Republicans couldn’t wait for the very first thing they could twist in order to attack her. The Democrats who joined in were deeply disappointing.

I get why she apologized. I don’t necessarily agree with it. The attack on her by the GOP and members of her own damn party twisted what she said and shoe-horned it into the antisemitism box. My opinion and I am open to change it.

You’re forgetting that a pretty significant number of Black Evangelicals, Muslim, Hindu and Latin Catholic adherents also oppose homosexuality.

I get your point. But there are always going to be differences in opinion. The person you replied to essentially said, “ live and let live,” yet you take exception to that. And that’s ok. You can feel about it however you want. But what is this obsession with needing everybody to think just like you? If somebody has

I partially agree with you. As a evangelical Christian I don’t agree with the LGBT lifestyle. However I don’t yell at LGBT or throw my bible at them. Lets just agree to disagree and go about our lives. Its a free country after all. Both parties need to move on. Heck we a humans disagree on lots of things and yet the

Muslims have been in this country since before it was created, fuck you. There’s strong evidence that at least some Muslims in the Revolutionary Army, and they didn’t fight for freedom so you can shit all over their religion. 

You’re a dipshit. I hope you choke to death and your son gets to live with someone that won’t teach them hate.

“gAmEs ShOuLd Be TaKeN sErIoUsLy As ArT!”

*someone makes a game that isn’t what this jabroni wants to play*


You pathetic feeble-minded hateful hick. 

far because you’ve never left your flyover town

“My girlfriend has worked full-time to support my career as a Fortnite streamer, so I owe it to her and my four-year-old son to protect and grow this money for their futures.”

This dude really makes his girlfriend work full time for him so he can play fortnite. She needs to break up with him. That's just wrong. 🤦‍♂️

career as a Fortnite streamer”

The design of everything in Octonauts is done very well. I was impressed by the job they did with each character and the overall designs. Everything about that show is awesome.