
You would be surprised how often that exact thing happens to recovering alcoholics, actually. Usually without the Zs, because they’re hard to say. But “stop being a pussy” is not uncommon.

Are people really that steamed about the hams?

They are ever evolving fights, kind of like Fury except instead of the boss just getting lots of new moves they also move to new locations changing the methods you can engage the boss with.

It’s implied in the condescending tone of “normalizing casual sex” coupled with isolating men as the ones who are going to “maximize their rate of said sex.”

It’s comes across as “well if we only normalized committed, monogamous sex, men wouldn’t act this way”, which kinda just places the responsibility on the women.

I think this is the best it’s gonna get for attracting new players. My only complaints were the unskippable cutscenes, and initial burden of trying to get multiplayer working. I honestly prefer the single player and guild hall quests to be separate like the old games.

Correcting something that is not an error is an error.

Yeah, I realize what he was referring to, but rather than debate the definition of “literally” I decided to point out that literally works just fine with “inching” if you take the small amount/degrees definition.

That is correct.

This anime is one of my guilty pleasures. I waited in line at anime Japan as the only guy in line (about 40 some girls in line) to try this out and enjoyed it. So all the microtransactions are for character bits and not songs? Because if so I can totally live with that since that’s what I’m in it for.

Also Syo is

Hard agree on both counts

I particularly enjoyed the stupid minigames, the sushi eating one was a great way to have a laugh with friends.

Well done Nintendo. Did not expect this AT ALL.

Part of the inspiration for the game is recontextualizing the kinds of interactions that might be better known from a different medium. The creator talks about this in the interview I did with her years ago:

Social worker here. You’d be surprised how shitty state agencies run when it involves the health and welfare of children. I would encourage you to look up Danieal Kelly. One of the most extreme cases of neglect I’ve read about. I seriously reconsidered working with kids after reading about the case. Also, you’ll going

That’s Extremely Worrying: The US School System

“I might actually need these coins,” I thought to myself, “when I literally and actually die.”

I don’t like this outfit.

Ignore these peeps. Every chick is different. I’ve had some that could finish during and some that couldn’t.Some women need to do it themselves or need different things. Ive been in the same boat my dude. It’s fine as fuck if we, as men, can’t always do it. I can’t always blow during oral. It’s not her fault or mine.

I’ve had sex a few times while playing a game. It was fun for what it was.

Man the legs on this game are amazing. I will never get tired of seeing this stuff. For me personally it’s superseded Chrono Trigger as my favorite game of all time and that’s a heck of a gap between the two.