
I wish these quizzes worked on iOS

You’re good for the discourse friend.

Same way anything is enforced on artwork in a free market: with criticism and selective purchase. If i say a video game sucks you don’t ask what government agency is gonna enforce the making of better games.

Ethan Gach, in it for the discourse.

I generally liked it, although the pacing was bad. If they had cut a lot of fat from the Canto Bite scenes and collapsed the escape-ship-sequence into the escape-escape-planet-sequence it would’ve flowed way better in my opinion. That said it wasn’t as much of a nostalgia trip as force awakens, it’s color palette was

It’s a super hard issue especially as depression has become a meme for a lot of people. My Facebook feed is loaded with suicide jokes and im expected to write most of them off as that—but it’s been way harder lately. Last August i woke up one morning and found out one of my favorite people hadn’t been joking and had

It’s like playing scratch tickets to win casino chips

La Noire has been occupying my time lately

Welp. Looks like I’m back on that hype train.

Scrolling...scrolling...where’s jango?....oh there’s jango!

EA Skate, Condemned 2, and Odinsphere are my main pics.

Trash talk is a subtle art. Some of my best memories in gaming are trash talking my friends. I’ve also seen grown men cry over smash and everyone feel really bad.

They meant the plot of the game not the comic i believe.

Especially considering that bitcoin is no longer the most useful crypto currency for nefarious transfers of money, there’s nothing protecting its value at the bottom. Furthermore the more profitable bitcoin is to invest in, the less useful it is as a currency, which is literally the only direct utility (I mean useful

Its only cheating if it breaks the rules of the competition, which this clearly does. If you’re doing a glitchless run and you sneak a glitch in, then you’ve cheated, but if the whole contest is built around exploiting glitches then it’s not cheating. Basketball players aren’t cheating just because you can’t grab the

Aesthetics are part of the video game experience and absolutely contribute to ones enjoyment of a game. Overwatch could be mechanically identical with no textures but it wouldn’t be near the success it is today.

His death is referred to in the credits when “kill bill” rolls across the screen.

As somebody who’s used both mmj and ssri’s to deal with mental illness, neither should be demonized, and we shouldn’t deny that both have been known to excacerbate certain mental illnesses (often the same they can treat). It bothers me that so many people have a problem with ssri’s but no problem with mmj and vice

Mario wasn’t middle aged back then. He only has one grey hair all these years later, that’s a fresh faced mario

I’d make a bigger deal about sideboarding if I wasn’t so bad at sideboarding (I always overthink how my opponent is likely to be sideboarding).