Mad people have fake fireplaces with no chimney. They put candles or electric fireplaces in em.
Mad people have fake fireplaces with no chimney. They put candles or electric fireplaces in em.
Open IV shouldn’t have been C&D’d but this one I’m ok with.
I was playing disgaea on the switch while watching this. It’s a good console for tactical rpgs
Honestly I want them to do a modern day entry as a close to the series after 2 or 3 more entries.
What switch ports are you hoping for?
Sometimes I wonder whether I actually like edmunds games or whether he just touches upon my newgrounds childhood.
My opinion on every game that doesn’t prioritize top of the line graphics is now basically “port it to switch!”
I was a huge gamer up until early into the 360 generation, teenage struggles took over and I sold all my games, and then I was super broke throughout undergrad, not to mention the fact that I was, for the first time in my life, cool (nerd goes to a big city liberal arts school, we’ve all heard the story), so I wasn’t…
I’m teaching a summer course and assigning life is strange, so probably a lot of life is strange. I also might replay TW3 and I got disgaea 5 for the switch coming in Monday, so that’ll occupy a lot of the switch/television time that’s mostly been occupied by binding of Isaac. While I’m at it I’ll probably borrow nier…
My dad gave away a Pokémon stadium edition n64 that I had unplugged during the GameCube era.
Eh I’m team new logo over the previous one. The previous logo is too sleek and cold, it’s like the middle schooler who see’s the matrix and thinks they could pull off a leather trench coat.
Except none of these critiques would be true of most JRPGs. Most soundtracks use more than one instrument, most JRPG’s have varied and interesting characters, and most JRPG’s don’t clothe the entire game in a single climate/aesthetic.
You do you Jango! Aint nothin wrong with no furries!
How long have you had that image? Like did you google pear king when this came up or did you have it in your meme folder, waiting for the perfect moment to talk about the pear king?
Oh the faustian yearning of the human spirit...
So you feign ignorance of the posts meaning, but also claim the post is stupid, while criticizing incomplete sentences using incomplete sentences? I can’t even...
“I can’t even” is a phrase used to signify frustration, generally at perceived stupidity. It’s the go-to phrase that people who are proud of themselves for their speech patterns criticize, so apologies if you really didn’t know that.
That’s the joke. You’re correcting people for a technically incorrect sentence that you understand just fine, which is pedantic.
“finish sentences” is a fragment.
I’m really hoping this game has some depth to it. I’m worried this is one of those games I’d be super into for a week and then hit a plateau where I couldn’t really improve any more.