Is there much of a competitive PVP scene with Dark Souls, or is it all about those speedruns? I would definitely watch a dark souls tournament.
Is there much of a competitive PVP scene with Dark Souls, or is it all about those speedruns? I would definitely watch a dark souls tournament.
It is for many academics.
Try too hard to be dark and goth? Like...the original show? [relax I’m a fan, just critical of Vasquez]
I might be turning in my post-goth card for saying this, but I always preferred courage the cowardly dog.
I think a lot of art can overstay it’s welcome—some of the rap I listen to will have hooks that are great the first 3 times around but start to get annoying after that. There’s something to be respected in knowing when to end. With video games technical limitations have made it harder to hit the “too much” mark but…
A good friend and I take turns doing glitches from the Super Mario Sunshine speed run during sleepovers (yeah we’re in our mid twenties, what of it?)
Or just play casually, spend like 30 bucks on cool cards you like, find other people doing that. They actually outnumber competitive players.
In other words, dark souls.
Yeah I’m in the market for something with inlays that is playable while in the case, though I have thought about grabbing one of those on ebay.
I’m holding out for someone to sell a really dope sheika slate case.
I actually love that feeling of playing a game and being like wait, what games won’t I be able to like after this? BoTW and TW3 are the last two to do it for me. Part of me thinks I would’ve really enjoyed Fallout 4 if I had never played TW3.
Right? That whole game is walking down the path to where my best friend used to live and seeing how it’s become overgrown.
I’m finishing Night in the Woods this weekend as well! I’ve sort of been letting my pc and ps4 sit inactive since I got a switch so I’m trying to clear out some games before I travel this coming week.
Oh. You said that. Implying means you didn’t say it. I was wondering why you asked whether it was on purpose. Anyways I think it’s cause they’re kind of just boring fitted black pants.
I’m genuinely not sure what you’re implying, they look like some fairly bland fitted pants, probably felt or leather. Seem like the least interesting piece of the ensemble to draw.
Haha I just posted it over on TAY. I learned a lot today.
You know, this has got me thinking: do pokemon lactate? I’m gonna research this. I’ll report back on TAY.
Wait, but do pokemon lactate? They’re born from eggs full grown, but what about Miltank?
that one never bothered me. Kirby with feet is an abomination though.
See that’s the beauty of free speech. As long as we don’t stop people from having it, we get to call people assholes for the way they use it.