
There wasn’t even that much outside of the Frieza saga and some between saga stuff. Depends on what gets considered filler though, some call any episode that isn’t vital to the plot filler, some require the episode actually be bad. At least with OG dragonball there are a lot of self contained episodes that are really

The gameplay of The Witness is beautiful in and of itself. It never makes you feel smart, it calls on you to be smart.

Whoah I starred that and I hate blizzard.

I’m just commenting to say I like seeing another fan of both wu tang and jimquisition.

I’m glad likening a game to TW3 has become a sign of IMENSE respect. Now to patiently wait for Cyberpunk 2077

I have a problem with sexuality being thrust in front of me when it wasn’t invited, but zero problem with porn made by and for consenting adults. I draw some lines at rape stuff or pedophilia, but for the most part I just want to know what I’m getting myself into. I’m likewise ok with a sexy anime being a sexy anime—I

Wow good job outing mental health issues, just all anti-oppression up in here. I got some real high quality wigs to sell you while we’re at it.

Eh the only midly famous people I’ve met who were dicks are all only famous in certain academic circles. Long story short, oxford philosophers can be snooty.

Yeah I wouldn’t mind at all being a cali resident myself. I was just wondering how often it would come up given the vibe of kotaku, which doesn’t seem very stoney. Speaking of Patrick have you read his stuff on Vice? I sort of hate the voice of most Vice articles, but I might go back to the site as I miss that earnest

There’s a distinction between games that are contained experiences and a Blizzard game that tries to get you to play it endlessly and spend as much extra money as possible. I don’t play through The Last of Us and immediately feel the need to start over—it ends and I set it aside for a while.

Have any of the kotaku writers ever mentioned smoking weed? I wouldn’t think it would be all that relevant and this isn’t vice so they won’t throw it in to show how cool they are. [disclaimer that this comment sounds kind of critical but isn’t meant to be].

How does sabbatical work in the gaming world? Is it like academia, where you are expected to be working on something (though a lot of the time they’re just chillin), or is it a “take a year off to avoid burnout” kinda thing?

How could someone crush his dreams!??? I would definitely let him win, pokemon is about friendship, but people nowadays only listen to the first line of the theme song.

If I put on a tinfoil hat for a moment, Blizzard sets up it’s own cheat forums and just tracks the IP addresses.

Oh yeah I definitely was worried about being perceived as dumb-American-tourist when I’ve traveled abroad. America is such a giant place that theres always gonna be other Americans you don’t want to be perceived as, so I think there’s this constant worry of “oh what if they think I’m like those other people”, and of

When you’re little they give you candy as an incentive—you get a piece of chocolate for doing well on a quiz or whatever. Later on they don’t give you candy, but certain high schools sell it in the cafeteria. What counts as late dinner? In the US it’s usually sometime between 6 and 8 pm, which seems early compared to

Uh yeah we still use doorknobs (unless I’m misunderstanding you and theres a specific type you’re referring to). Having an inlaid toilet paper holder is less common than having one you screw to the wall or has a little stand, but it isn’t unheard of. Where are you from by the way? I’m interested in the differences you

Yeah I could definitely see that. Part of why the episodic release seems to be working out for Hitman is that Square has answered to a lot of feedback.

Yeah so it will still be gutted for those who haven’t played it, but if I keep my own save files I can play with all my items even after the end of server support.

Whoah so the game won’t be gutted when the servers go down? Dope.