
Agreed. “Quickest” is relative to the amount of time it would take otherwise.

I understood your comment.

The only way I see the Brexit issue being resolved is for it to not happen at all. The best way for this is to hold another vote/referendum.

Or perhaps she is hoping the public ineptitude of parliament could see a return of power to royalty. *shrugs*

Brexit should have never occurred in the first place. Not only is it ruining the UK’s relationships with the world, it’s also been tying up parliament for almost 4 years now.

An election may prompt a new ruling party to hold a referendum which in turn give the people an opportunity to change their mind on Brexit.

I’m pretty sure deep down inside our president is jealous he didn’t come up with “Moscow Mitch” since he’s the greatest nick name creator. /s

Pattinson has the potential to do to Batman what Ledger did to Joker (although I’m looking forward to seeing Phoenix’s Joker).

A referendum was kind of rolled into my comment. To elaborate, I have a feeling the people of the UK are better informed (than with the original vote) and less willing to have Brexit actually occur (now).

I agree. I have a feeling an impromptu election could possibly see brexit disappear.

I believe DQXI is the greatest game ever made. I played 120 hours on the PS4 version and it was amazing. I considered going for a platinum trophy, but it was a bit tedious to go any further.

I thought I read somewhere that Qatharine was going to be trans?

The nazis are making their list.

There was definitely a lift. Look at those brows.

My boy Vic is making headlines again.

As long as there is a debate held, then these GOP challengers could greatly influence a Trump loss in 2020.

I think this movie would have ended up being an Inhumans movie if ABC hadn’t jumped the gun and made a shitty version of it.

I’m really hoping they get some Captain Britain and MI13 action in the vein of Paul Cornell’s fabulous run. Black Knight is the beginning!

Greatest game ever made

In comparison to previous Dragon Quest games, this one is the opposite of ‘grindy’.