I’m not one to say positive things about Princess Swift, but in all seriousness—Good for her.
Gamestop will be gone within 10 years tops. I would be surprised if they last 3.
Greatest game ever made.
Greatest game ever made.
I love this comment only for it’s clever use of shitting on Batman V Superman, because Zack Snyder is a hack and BvS was his luck running out.
Hopefully this is just a negotiating tactic because Sony has everything to lose by gaining back Spidey.
I’ve never liked DMB. I couldn’t understand the fascination through middle school and high school. The faces of the people I told were so perplexed.
Feeny is my hero.
I see the failure in Yang’s rhetoric, but damn I would like to see Trump attempt any kind of physical activity. The humility would be priceless.
“...for years to cum...”
So basically, “my ancestors came here and I got mine, so fuck everyone else.”
There may be some truth in this.
I’m a little upset that Tarantino didn’t defend his decision by noting the scene with Cliff and Bruce was an unreliable memory (of Cliff’s). The whole scene takes place in Cliff’s mind, so there are going to be exaggerations and missing details.
Funny how a Trumper uses science when it’s convenient.
The best part is that Motley Crue is one of those bands that you know Trumpsters blare while polishing their guns with their small peckers.
If Russians were illegally entering the United States through Canada, no one would be saying a damn thing—Especially the president.
I can’t wait till we vote this asshat out. With the recent redistricting in PA, his time is up.
“Saturday’s white terrorist attack at a Walmart in El Paso, TX was horrific.”
This should be a separate news item on Splinter.