Kate Mc Kinnon is contorted pretty admirably.
Kate Mc Kinnon is contorted pretty admirably.
The other issue is that information is accessible via a web browser. At this point in time, college is nothing more than a babysitter. It’s the micro manager that makes sure you are keeping yourself on task and learning the information and skills you need to get a job.
I can assure that will not happen because if there is a hat representing the next Democratic president (there won’t be—It’s tasteless), they will not laugh because the president and policies it represents will not be a disgrace, like your president.
This list is not bad, but with any ‘best of PS2' list, the sheer library of the console makes it almost impossible to get it right:
This whole North Korea thing is not going to go well. Trump’s imagined strong-arming into negotiations is bullshit. South Korea was the one that got NK to the table and Donny just keeps screwing it up.
We did vote. We actually won, but the electoral college compromise put in place for the conservative snowflakes in rural states took away our victory.
Terry Crews 2020
It’s getting schwifty in here.
100% agree with this.
Bryce Dallas Howard
Capitalism thrives on this kind of labor. It thrives on people wasting their lives away making less than 1/2 of what they are worth because it’s the only choice they have. As long as retail chains like Home Depot can continue filling positions, they will continue to treat their employees this way.
The real problem with Superman and the Justice League is that Superman’s powers cancel out all of the rest of the League AND it was portrayed this way in the movie.
I’ve had too many comments pointing out that Goyer was not responsible for The Dark Knight. I apologize for this inaccuracy. Please understand that this does not take away from the fact that the script was just not good. There are too many stretches of belief compiled with too many plot holes. It’s a movie obsessed…
There are way too many stretches in a film obsessed with trying to seem like it could occur in our reality. The sonar technology or the boat bombs for example (along with some of your points).
“Nuanced”. That’s hilarious.
Then I guess it’s not Goyer’s inadequacies that were on the screen.
More accurate statement: One of the best performances of a comic book character of all time.
As good as Heath Ledger was, I’m pretty sure this is way more depth/credit given to Goyer’s script than it deserves.
I’m keeping my car until I just cannot keep it any longer. Hoping that by then technology will make it so I don’t have to deal with a car salesman to replace it.
These are the only 3 cable shows I watch.