
Or because your younger sibling got a hold of it and they get all the good shit and here they are ruining yours.

You have a good point and I thought about that. The difference though is that these asshats didn’t create the game, our fore fathers did. They are hacking their way in and using loopholes and policy to make the system work to their advantage.

Only the 1% have a Game Genie and you have to work your ass off completing games the way they were intended—The hard way. Instead of getting a free ride to the last level.

Only the top 1% know the konami code and you are stuck trying to finish Contra with only 3 lives.

Sushi is the greatest food on the planet.


Is this finally the beginning of the end?

Sinusitis. There was severe inflammation or dryness in my upper sinuses at the top/tip of my nose (the sniffing part) that made it feel like I was suffocating even though I was breathing just fine. I’m sure there was an infection involved. The antibiotics would only provide temporary relief (while I was on them).

I suffered from panic disorder for a significant amount of time. It was simply related to a sinus issue that was triggering my fight-or-flight.

The next Nirvana is right around the corner. These artists are attempting to be preemptive so they don’t end up obsolete.

So super hero movies (while very entertaining) serve no purpose?

It’s hilariously spoken like an alt-right square that has never embraced the majesty that is marijuana.

“(...) wasted on marijuana”

There is never enough love for Persona 3. I think it’s still the best in the series.

You forgot under “small hands”, “fatberg” and “orangucasian”.

2022 will be here before you know it. He will be out.

Toomey will be gone as soon as we can vote him out.

Rubio knows the leftward backlash is coming soon (2018). He’s attempting to be able to cater to his liberal constituents in the event it’s not looking good for the world’s good ole least favorite political party.

Has Trump’s photo appeared yet in the dictionary under “infamous”?

The real crime here is that a right-winger has Andy Warhol paintings in his home.