Andrew Thomas

… So, her new single "Her New Single is Dropping" is dropping… or am I the only person who thought this?

Can somebody explain to me why she's famous? I think Rebecca Black is better.

Can somebody explain to me why she's famous? I think Rebecca Black is better.

That has got to be the most pretentious bs I've ever seen.

That has got to be the most pretentious bs I've ever seen.

I can has my brain cellz back now?

I can has my brain cellz back now?

I heard it wasn't so massive.

I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Wow, this song is more abysmal than the description makes it sound.

I bet it will suck just as much as When the Pawn…

WTF, this guy is an idiot… why do I still throw money at him?

Lol, shonen anime…

Hi, your friendly neighborhood anime hipster douche at your service. Bleach already sucked. It can't get any worse. So instead of being horrified, you should be indifferent and perhaps go and watch the movie, for the irony.

I'm gonna file this one under "Well, it'd be pretty hard to make it worse than the original."

Thanks, I could have lived the rest of my life without having seen that. What I can't figure out is, are these guys idiots who actually think they're doing something new, provocative, and making good music… or if they're geniuses and this is some sort of inside joke that the rest of the world doesn't get. It's

bad bad.

I haven't seen Stupid Hoe. I assume it's awful.

Nope, just bad.

That may be the worst music video I've ever seen, and that includes Barby Girl. Seriously… wtf?