
hey about that



Idk this Zelda was definitely more “gifted” than most zelda before her.

I think Zeldas butt was smaller.

you have impeccable taste and should be commended.

You can literally buy all the PSX Final Fantasy games straight from Square for $20 apiece. APIECE. That doesn’t help much with Xenogears, but that’ll get you started!

It appears we are same kind of nerd. Salute.

All of the above, except jetmoto. Then in HD.

Sounds like my Raspberry Pi 2 ^_^

This, plus Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Jet Moto. However Sparrow Racing in Destiny scratches that Jet Moto itch.

A PlayStation 1 with all the final fantasy xenogears harvest moon and resident evil games.

Aww. Still said pendin approval. :o(

Ok, let's see!

"Naaaaail! Naaaaaail! There is a bird outside.... kill it."

That tank would have been absolutely useless in the topography of the south pacific.

Eh, against, I dunno, a geriatric chimp with brass knuckles, it would do OK.

You know how, if you have an Xbox, you buy Halo. If you have a Playstation, you buy Uncharted.

You know how, if you have an Xbox, you buy Halo. If you have a Playstation, you buy Uncharted.

Holy crap man, I did the same thing with my 2 1/2 year old. I have some friends who's 3 year old has been sleeping from 7 to 7 since he was 3 months old. Every time they talk about it, I want to saw of their fucking legs.

hey, just letting you know.