
I really wish I had a PC to play this on. :(

I've got a job as an assistant manager at Gamestop...maybe I can get a XBone and play this.

I miss my computer...:(

No, sadly not, I have a job interview Friday at 3 for Gamestop though...

Yes! The batteries on these things SUCK, and the charge time was crazy long. We had three of them at my Wal-Mart, and one was ALWAYS broke somehow.

I won't lie. I loved my job at Wal-Mart, as a back room supervisor. I worked 10-7, made good money, and got to drive around in one of those most of the night, lol. Plus, I got to handle the game systems, games and such when we got the shipments in. I'd take pictures and send them to my friends.

Haha, yeah electric pallet jacks are cool. I am certified on fork lift, electric, and stand up lifts. Plus a WAVE, Work Assisted Vehicle. It's a mini, wheeled single lift assist system used for inventory control, which is what I did at Wal-Mart. Here's what one looks like.

This is really well done. I wonder how much it cost to shoot? I've always wanted to do stuff like this, but never have anyone to help.

I got paid to do this in real life.

Oh come on, you know it's funny!

If Infinite had had tanks in it, I would have enjoyed it much more.

No manual pallet jack?

Didn't read the article, but I really want this game. :( I got a 2ds recently with Pokemon X, and can't afford any other games.

Megaman: Dark Souls: Resident Evil: Chivalry edition.

I guess Kotaku can have it "feel naked" when they start raping us with more articles like this.

I remember when I was a child, I wanted cool stuff like laptops and computers and things like the mission control desk in this article. But my father was so busy, being a master mechanic for a plantation, and my mom a teacher at the local college, I had to make due with that I could find.


Can't go wrong with a name like that, cosplaying such a character.