
I was seriously considering an Elise for several months, but determined I wasn't at the point where I wanted the responsibility of owning $40K supercar just yet.

Just want to say that the front license plate on that 458 is fugly.

Not true. I've been in a Delorean parked right next to another car and the door goes pretty much straight up. I think it requires less clearance than your standard swing-out doors.

Yep. And that is the exact reason why I don't trust Yelp.

rofl. Please give us some examples of this 85-90%...

The colors remind me of the Google Nexus packaging:

Uhh, the one on the Atrix is just an actual finger print scanner.

It's funny how things can be frozen, and preserved. Then thawed out and continue to rot.

Tell us how Foxconn doesn't manufacturer the "alternative" products you buy instead of Apple. You sir are misinformed.

Such originality.

I feel the same way about Apple's maps compared to Google Maps. Is Apple a search engine company? No.

I'm going to create a car, and use Comic Sans on the dash just to prove this theory.

The new music app already looks dated, dull and fugly.

The rest are app hooks, the 3 at the bottom are system preferences.

Looks like the ability to design a nice car, doesn't convert into the ability the design a nice phone :P

The phone is $99, subsidize into a 2 year contract.

So let me get this straight.

"the damn things hiccup and lag right out of the box"

Because it's damn near impossible to navigate the comments efficiently.

Am I the only one who doesn't care what others believe in? Does my beliefs (or non-beliefs) affect their lives in anyway? Nope.