

Probably a good strategy, seeing as that's the majority of people these days.

I agree. This is a lot better. It's not an awkward touching of each letter like they have now :P

I think Host Gator already did this.

A temporary fix would of been to add a host record to your local hosts file that maps the domain. This bypasses the need for a DNS server, as you're manually telling your computer where the domain should point to.

Maybe they're not catering to the skeptics?

Grand Theft Auto

Please stop debating the name of the next iPhone.

Cool story, bro.

That would be...the greatest thing ever!

I agree with you. I've heard too many cases of Yelp! being biased on reviews (because the restaurant refused to pay them).

Faith in Humanity. -100 points.

Shh, shh. Winter will be here soon.

You lost all credibility, once you announced you work at Best Buy.

Maybe we had it wrong all along? We got so caught up making everything look "futuristic" that we strayed away from focusing on what actually matters, the content we are consuming.

Apple's UI technically isn't considered "minimalist" by anyone standards. Polished, yes.

Or you could just get a password manager like Lastpass, make one complex password that is easy to remember and have everything else randomly generated.

"All passwords are stored in MD5 encryption usually online."

As a graphic designer, the graphic for this article bothers me.

Should of bought it when Dan was selling it for cheap. I still have my signed first edition sitting on my desk :)