OMG -- Rick and his space-daughter don’t go for coffee, they go for beers. How can I take the rest of this review seriously now??
OMG -- Rick and his space-daughter don’t go for coffee, they go for beers. How can I take the rest of this review seriously now??
I can’t be the only one who read this with Rick’s voice.
Butters had the best line this week after seeing his mom topless riding through town.
So, is this a review, or a re-cap? Because this is “filed under re-cap”, yet is in the “TV reviews” section, and yet reads like a re-cap.
These are no longer reviews, just mediocre recaps.
Burgatory is a great name.
Just to be that guy - Impossible burgers are not marketed or even discussed as a health food. Any assumptions of health are from the ignorant who just assume anything vegetarian is healthier. Its purpose is a lower carbon footprint compared to beef production, and mainly intended for omnivores who want less meat in…
It also proves that some artists have no concept of the depth of time. Yes, it’s a silly fantasy cartoon, but people running around with dinosaurs just bugs me.
Before the Kinjapocalypse there would have been 1,000 posts on this review by now. Instead we have less than 75.
I guess if they called this, American Horror Story: Clowns of Washington no one would have watched. I’m disappointed there hasn’t been any hint of an actual cult yet, and no a “cult of personality” does not count.
Yes, I definitely found both lead characters far too exhausting already. I like the ideas a lot, but they wore me out.
Preferred Disqus too.
Funny hot garbage. I’m very close to skipping out this season
So, what’s left of the Commentariat, what are y’all’s verdict on this? Generally Ryan Murphy starts really strong but loses everything by the halfway point. Last season was just shit from the word go, though.
Poli-Sci. It’s fucking Poli-Sci.