Axel Hoss

Wouldn't Gemma just say she emotionally felt responsible for Tara, and 5-year-old future clock-tower sniper heard it the wrong way? I mean the kid's mother was murdered, seen his father (and grandparents and their friends) beat the crap outta people, was playing out front when the building blew up, and had to hide out

Yeah. Did anyone else notice that when his crew declared the house "clear," it never crossed someone's mind to check the basement first?

Agreed. Until I found out HERE that the woman (maybe wife) was raped, I had no idea why he killed those guys and why she freaked out and left. Now it makes more sense. Even his comment about the survivors left being strong enough now has some context.

Okay, Eugene is just an ordinary smuck. What a shocker. One would think someone from Rick's group would have asked Eugene earlier: "By the way, we were at the CDC before it blew up at the end of season 1, and that scientist didn't mention anything about developing a cure in Washington, DC. Matter of fact, he said

Seriously? It was better than a C+. Every time they showed all the drones flying around town I kept laughing. Because that is exactly where we are going!

As a huge fan of the old "The Boondocks," this new episode was embarrassing bad. Granddad being in another ridiculous situation (how would some old black guy with grand kids suddenly be considered for a Kardashian show?), Huey saying nothing important except to complain, Riley and Uncle Ruckus being just stereotypical

THANK YOU! Yes, on everything. Missed pointing out "The Gauntlet" nod in my post. But just adds to the question: Why? This is NOT what "The Boondocks" was always about.

No, you don't get it. Having Ruckus say: "I'm gonna get me a dog, name him Levee. And I'm going to kick him every time it rains" is FUNNY!

Seriously? A "B" grade? Even with all the rightfully pointed out problems the reviewer states about the episode, it still ranked a "B"? Getting a little soft there A.V. Club, eh?

People! Get your history correct! Not fighting back was based on the philosophy of non-violent civil disobedience employed by Mahatma Gandhi, and adapted by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It was widely known. And I was kind of wondering why someone in the show didn't bring that up (could have made that point, then say:

I have to ask: did anyone else get thrown down the "this is ridiculous" hole when Red is just sitting the dining room of THE RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES? There's no one else there. No security, military, not even a single maid. If the show had made the guy just someone important, I could've believed it.

True. But to have no one even acknowledge his character? Even if it was the old escort ladies make a crack about him (or his grandma…remember that joke?), or Huey mentioning him when reminding how things didn't go right when Robert dealt with the sex game before. Something!

In A.V. Club's defense, it did announce early in the season that there would be no more reviews of The Blacklist because they didn't generate a lot of traffic.

Of course characters, especially Robert, have been dumbed down. The smartest person already left the building. Ideas are now obviously being recycled (illegal escort service/hair care cartel), mined from the past (as mentioned above, but also character traits — notice most of the old people seem to act like they're