Axel Hoss

Question: does Rick have no problem with constantly killing because he knows there are infinite versions of everything, thus life itself holds no real value?"

Sorry other opinions. Best quote of the episode:

I knew Jesus tapped that sweet Mary Magdalene ass!

I've had at least one boss I wanted to murder on my first day. His handshake was like holding overcooked pasta. Problem was, he owned the company and the office was on the second floor.

Last question: Do you think The Grail was behind bringing down Mel Gibson?

TV Expert: "Are you a scientist?"
TV Host: "No."
TV Expert: "Well then…shut up!"

Question: Does Jesse have, like, five of the same preacher outfits? Because when I saw him getting dressed, I thought: "Man! Look how neat and nicely pressed that outfit is. Especially after facing everything from Saint of Killers to drinking all night at Hurt Locker."

Africa, parts of Asia and South America, etc. According to an article I read years ago they ship the loser t-shirts as donations to anywhere it's unlikely an American sports collector would/could be found. And there's no eBay.

"He lived a long life."
"For a heroin addict."

Two best lines in MWC: 1 - "What do women want when we get home? Lovin'. They don't understand it's just more work for us."

This writer obviously wasn't old enough at the time MWC came on. It was a brilliant departure from Must Sleep TV!

I generally agree with the reviewer's criticisms, I just have little different take. In Ragnar what I see is a man who started as mostly a farmer to becoming one of the greatest Viking kings ever. And in that rise I see a character that goes from being humble to being egotistical and arrogant in his success. Couple

Ragnar's baptism by the Franks in order to be reunited with Athelstan in "your Heaven" — The ultimate example of BROS BEFORE FOES!

I think "Justified" will go the same way as "The Wire." Where more and more people will rave about how great it was after it ended.


Only a "B"? Are you high?


Don't agree with reviewer and many of the comments here. I was disappointed until the last five minutes which they used a two-part episode to set up. Sure there were funny moments, but Ray becoming crippled again? Yawn. (BTW, why is the only gay guy — the smartest and most competent — the one catching the most

Now that would be funny!

Yeah, I noticed that too. Wondered if anyone at Fox tried to cut that joke at the last minute.