“yeah, that’s how they come from the factory....
“yeah, that’s how they come from the factory....
when fuel is cheap, and it’s not a $ question, I think that having a good real world range becomes a big factor,
I almost bought one, as of all the South American diesel options right now,
apparently more sober coming down
knowing that all hills in any camera angle always look way less steep than they actually are, then this man deserves a trophy
true that... apologies don Michael! mea culpa
great writeup!
not that long ago, I got stuck in loose sand in my Skoda.
I love rednecks, redneck cars, redneck trucks,
wasn’t me but rather my mother,
hi Andrew,
who was the photographer who made this beautiful pics?
to separate the wheat from the douche
amazing job. the video whets the appetite for more info on those cutting cables and just how smart the engineers are at lifting such massive wreckage, while on a moving soft surface, to deposit it on another moving platform... so much heaving, almost got seasick thinking about it.
interesting about the Stutz Cannonball run of 11 days and 7 hours,
but when it’s time for David’s Farm antics, those snapping wheels will end the fun way too soon
that’s primer,
I for one would love to see the pile of parts taken off