
We agree here. Batman has been overly serious for three decades already. It appealed to me as a twelve year old, but I’m tired of it. Even stuff like the Arrow and Daredevil are ridiculous to me. Lots of violence and seriousness but the underlying plot will always be juvenile.

As a father of a daughter myself I gotta say you need to put your foot down sometimes. Especially when we’re talking about a character that has, not only the psychological baggage mentioned in the article, but short shorts and fishnets. Harley’s biggest moment in the SS trailer is bending over and “presenting” to the

I’m not bothered by this guy getting a soft ban. He’s asking for rules to center on his very niche strategy. Yeah, you CAN make a million points in an day if you walk around for 20 straight hours. 99.999999% of people are not going to do that. We, the 99.9999999% want to play with each other, not some level 35

Or, you know, Japan can become less uptight as a member of the world who exports enormous amounts of goods and culture and courts tourism. I mean, why have the Olympics if you’re not going to embrace the diversity that you’ve *invited*? This isn’t American Imperialism at the end of a gun barrel, 19th century style.

Is that guitar music really in the film?

Or Maurice LeMarche doing Orson Welles’ voice over Vincent D’Onofrio in “Ed Wood”

There’s only one Indiana Jones movie. Steven Speilberg died suddenly after the first.

Hey, everyone. I wrote CBS Legal back in the summer giving them a few reasons why they should look into Axanar. I think I may have sank them. So... qap’la?