
The exception...not the rule.

I won't get into the musical discussion, but if you think someone you don't know is going to give you an iPad with no strings attached and you give up personal information for it, I have a hard time feeling sorry for you.

Paul J. Jacobsmeyer Chief

Wow... I came to post exactly this. Almost verbatim.

Ahhhh.... I envy your blissful ignorance good internet citizen. I can only wish that I knew not of such foul swill.

Here are a few that no one should ever subject themselves to sampling: They're not as vile as some of the objectionable items in the article, but if any of these were the only booze choices available I'd just never drink again.

Yes. I'm one of the few that feel the same way.

What the hell is a 40 pin? I thought the proprietary Apple connector was 30 pins?

Bingo.... that's the one!

I still think Tablets are best as consumption devices with some limited creation capabilities as a bonus. I don't ever want to see a day when I have to do everything on a 10" touch screen. I want my laptop/desktop to do the heavy lifting and my tablet to be a simple and more convenient extension of my

I must have this.

On the contrary. I would argue that psychologically, this kind of thing hits their "button" just about as well as anything else. It's an addiction.

Marketing Department Geniuses + Ignorant uncivilized hedonists = Raw unbridled manipulation at its finest.

Nope... read my posts again. I don't care what a smartphone costs... I paid $600 for my iPhone 4.

Of course. But if I want a phone, I don't feel like I should have to whore myself out to a carrier for 2 years just to pay what the fair price should be in the first place. An iPhone is not worth ~$700. It's worth MAYBE $350-$400 retail. But it's ~$700 because everyone thinks it's $199. When in reality it's $199

Now... if we could only get to a point to where we pick the phone we want FIRST and buy it!

Hey, I'm not comfortably well off by no stretch of the imagination, but am I the only one that thinks it's worth paying full price for whatever just so I don't have to sit in line, in the cold, fighting off Grandma for $50 bucks off a TV and crap like that?

Amazon Prime is just the Interwebs version of the Costco/Sam's Club model. It still doesn't make sense for me because I don't shop/spend enough.

Yea.. no need to try it. It's cheap Hobo wine disguised with fruity flavor to encourage people that don't like real wine to drink wine (like teenagers, for example).

I read "Strawberry Hill" and the hair stood up on my arms. One of my many WFT-was-I thinking moments.