
But by all means, let's not stop continually rewarding all these companies with 2 years of our loyalty, though...

73" ?

You know what they make those things out of, Chet? You know? Lips and assholes!

Wow... in all my years I've never heard the term Couchsurfing. If you would've asked me to guess without knowing, I would've probably said that it was browsing the internet while in the living room.

I completely Agree. I'd be risking the same if I just took out my 401K, flew to Vegas and put it all on a game of Texas Hold em. But at least that way I can feel like I have at least SOMETHING to do with winning or losing my money. Right now it feels like it doesn't matter what I do; I'm gonna take it in the

So what if I don't do Facebook... can he predict the next stank piece of ass I will inevitably succumb myself to in a drunken stupor?

Successor of this class of ship is being developed, but shrouded in mystery. Few will be able to operate it properly, but to those who can it represents great power and pleasure.

Love the look on the Giraffe's face. He's all...

My sarcasm detector is not fully operational this morning...

I have an Iron deficiency. A condition that cause me to have wrinkly clothes.

Huh? I thought this was common knowledge. You mean to tell me that people who drink diet soda don't actually know that they are just exchanging one problem for another? Your body has all sorts or troubles with HFCS in large quantities and artificial sweeteners are basically poison taken in small doses.... right?

I keep a landline in case 1993 ever calls.

Yea Amazon, you're great and all...but... could you please change your upside down, curvature penis logo? It helped you achieve great market penetration, but I think it has blown it's load already.

This is what happens when parents name their child with more of their own vanity in mind than their child's benefit.

I'm the last person to go on about conspiracy theories, but all these "accidental leaks" are all starting to seem pretty damned convenient.

Whether I'm considered normal or not, I'm right there with you. I've tried to imagine something that I care less about than this wedding, Jersey Shore, or [insert train wreck reality show here], etc...etc...

Awesome! Now poorly parented children can be frivolously reprimanded by overzealous police officers from even greater distances.

This is the "Frog in boiling water" routine all over again. People have been frivolously giving up their right to choose a carrier for years now. Every time someone announces a new phone, people get all phone-horny and sign over whatever anyone asks to get their hands on it.

Yes! And some other candidates....

There's "no need" for 3D TVs either, but that doesn't stop people from making those.