
The description of Ender's Game on wikipedia makes his views abundently clear to me…

Would have liked to see Adomian's album praised a little more but glad to see it on the list.

Would have liked to see Adomian's album praised a little more but glad to see it on the list.

I think I would have put Best Show in one of the top 3 and included The Smartest Man In The World in the Top 5. None of these are "terrible", but it seems some of them should make room for some others on this list.

I think I would have put Best Show in one of the top 3 and included The Smartest Man In The World in the Top 5. None of these are "terrible", but it seems some of them should make room for some others on this list.

How many of these kinds of stories does it take before people wake up and realize that the RIAA and MPAA are mere conglomerations of liquid evil and stupidity?

How many of these kinds of stories does it take before people wake up and realize that the RIAA and MPAA are mere conglomerations of liquid evil and stupidity?

Given the fact that there are very few consistently awesome ones, and a couple more that would be OK if it wasn't pay-walled, there is no overload. Be selective.