
I am very nervous about this. Time travel is a tricky thing, and too easy for writers to get sucked into it as a way of "fixing" everything they screwed up. (see Star Trek Voyager - they cheaper out every single story line by a to of handwaving and dada: time travel, including the finale). Very nervous.

But I think even better would have been an expanded universe of characters, with both Hawley AND Riggs. Let's be real - if Hawley wasn't so prominent and only appeared in about 1/3 of the episodes, Jenny could have been used more to procure weapons and Hawley could remain a foil for Ichabod, showing up and causing a

Given Ezra's connection with his parents, and Kanan's connection to Hera, I wonder how long this monk / no attachment lifestyle will be promoted. It's always bothered me that Anakin never went back for his mother (or exchanged ANY communications?) over the years he developed into a savvy, well-traveled Jedi. (is

My 9 and 6 year old predicted the betrayal. I do like we can watch this show with the kids without too much thought about it. But agree, I liked the more info on Ezra's parents - wonder if uncovering that info will be the season ending episode.

I think they just don't know what to do with Hawley. When he was first introduced, he was a skeptic. He doesn't know about Ichabod. But he accepts seeings ghosts and everything else this episode without even a pause. They've not developed him in a way that shows him developing into a part of the main core group,

Agree. She - and Abbie and Jenny - deserved for this to be a multi-episode story arc. Hope it's not over.

Thanks for naming her - it was driving me crazy the entire time that I knew her but couldn't place her. She's been a guest star on many shows I've watched- Sandal, Private Practice - and just seemed so familiar to me. My husband couldn't place her at all.