
The Rams haven’t named an interim coach yet.

I was going to flag this as spam, but I clicked the link and it took me to, so I can only assume that this 3-4 hours a day entails playing quarterback for the Browns.

Trump Says He Doesn’t Need Daily Intelligence Briefings Because He’s “You Know, Like, A Smart Person”

Just sayin’.

Though there will be a slight deduction for not working the word “uppity” into the letter.

That guy looks like the sketchy anthropology adjunct professor who gets his contract cancelled for banging undergrads.

Best line of Deadpool: “...wanna get fucked up?”

You act like this kind of thing is unusual:

Let me throw this phrase at you:

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Tomsula uses his challenge flag as a bindle.

Tie goes to the school who didn’t cover up child molestation for four decades.

Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.

Yeah, but they got him cheap: 7 years, $9M

The Rams green-lighting a tired reboot everyone already saw and hated is the most LA thing they’ve done yet.

I mean..

Yes, 100%. Because that’s how economies fucking work.

Jesus: Tim, when I said, “Follow me,” I didn’t mean “Get cut as much as possible.”