I will forever star small hands comments about Donald Drumpf
I will forever star small hands comments about Donald Drumpf
I had the exact same thought, like she basically played the Major in a lot of ways in Pacific Rim.
But does Jay-Z have the axiom of choice at his disposal?
I actually really like the second season! Its an excellent examination of the failings in Iraq and Afghanistan with a fascinating character at the center. I think the Bergdahl might be on the autism spectrum, but that is just speculation.
I am trolling, I am completely serious.
After listening to the Season 1 follow ups this week, I kinda feel like this woman, Asia McClain, is the perfect witness, completely unflappable, and not biased in one way or the other.
CJ always gets a star.
can I just say, fuck people.
There are not enough stars for this.
Holy Shit...
needs more stars!!!!!111
I am throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening!!!!
I am required by law to star this comment.
Star Trek: First Contact
I feel bad starring this but, oh well...
That Bartlet gif doe...
Being a giant math nerd, props for you name.
This, this 1000000000000000000000000.... fucking times.
This is my first kinda comment, and it is to say Bravo!