
Honestly, I immediately thought “those should have chorizo instead of italian sausage.” 

Bless you for that glorious creation. 

I have a friend who is half Scottish and half Mexican. For her birthday one year I made MexiScotch eggs - rolled in chorizo and then inside a roasted poblano pepper battered with relleno batter. They were amazingly good, but you’re right, I think I’d rather make a strata.

Not caring about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like not caring about free speech because you have nothing to say.

I can understand not caring about emoji, but why on earth wouldn’t you want to use encryption?

On the one hand, I’m of course very annoyed that this kind of article has to exist.

On the other hand, I’m glad that Lifehacker took some kind of stand on a reprehensible action taken by the US federal government.

On the gripping hand, these releases started occurring three weeks ago. Help now is better than help never

lol look at all the sociopaths in this thread

Don’t be a shit stain in a human suit? Is that too high a bar?

Not kidnap their children and forget to keep records of the cages in which they were keeping them.  

Not teargas them when they try to legally seek asylum.

Thanks for writing this article, Josh!

I used to do post rental walkthroughs for rental companies. Here are the things that cost the most to repair. (And you’ll be paying for cleaning no matter what, I saw exactly one oven that was ‘clean enough’)

Uh... I have no clue what you are referring to when it comes to hosts laughing at scientists.

That’s a hard take given that CNN, FOX, CNBC and most of the other news networks are seriously peddling “news” barely fit to read and done so at a 5th grade level of comprehension. NPR is one of the only outlets that actually still reports the news.

Near the bottom:

Eventually, the bubble collapses. At some point, there will be a split so vast that it’s simply impossible to be a good believer and accept the evidence of your own eyes, and they’re either going to snap out of it or go completely insane. In Jonestown, the collapse of the bubble led to mass suicide. In Germany, it led

I’m training for a half marathon in October. I’ve ran a few before and had fun training and running them, but now I’m actually dreading the actual day and the training. Now granted, I’ve gotten older, slower and had a few medical issues that have cut my running efficiency (most notably a torn Achilles in my right

That is his genius.

I heard an interview with Fieri where he said of donkey sauce, “Look, I know it’s aioli, you know it’s aioli.” But if he wants to get middle America to try it, they won’t try it if he calls it “aioli”. By giving it a silly name, he’s branding it as something people in the Midwest will eat. It’s easy to laugh at people

I never bothered to look up what is was, as I’ve been fine just making fun of the name. Looking at that recipe, I’ve never thought of roasting the garlic in aioli. That’s... kind of genius. Thanks Kevin, and more importantly... thanks Guy.