A Wrestling god

-They did the Wayne's World "mega happy ending".

Simple. Karofsky burned Dalton down. You just thought he took the breakup in stride.

Stray thoughts:

Stray thoughts:
- The verbal massacre of Kurt by Santana was a top ten moment on this show.

I thought this show was going to be permanently in B +/- status for the rest of its run. This week's grade is more accurate to the show, since the NY change.

- "That sweater's legit" was a honest laugh moment.
- A lot of people online were angry right after the show about the "overcoming Autism" line.
-Nobody noticed the '12 graduates sitting in the classes and clubs? Especially before "Party all the time."

He did get to kiss every girl in school for charity so he had to be somewhat popular.

Remember when the biggest conflict on this show was whether Coach Sue would cheat the team at a competition? Simpler times…