
Those action forms always land better if you edit the text anyway, because the processing software will record them as a unique entry rather than count them as one of a form letter. If you’re going to do them, always change the text.

No, it has not effect on the labor supply it is now trucking companies can no longer call a driver a contractor but force them to operate under hte  same rules as a employee.  That does not affect the  labor pool it affects the  company high profits plan

It does sound like the overall system is inefficient and intended on putting the burden on truckers, and that really needs to change.

Going from half a gallon of ice cream a day to one small meal day is going from one eating disorder to another. This should not be encouraged unless you want someone to die.

I also doubt there are programs to help someone experiencing substance use and help with costs depending on this person’s financial position cause those programs are limited and can cost a lot!!! Most also don’t accept many people who are pregnant.

He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.

This sounds like an excellent book, but it seems a little disingenuous to have this conversation on Jezebel without acknowledging Jezebel’s history with White Feminism, choice feminism, and the exact sort of Sex and the City sexually liberated feminist perspective that the author critiques.

The way that some of you people in these comment threads seem to be salivating at the idea of this kid being punished physically for not having the best reasoning ability is really scary to me.

So the hotel room where these men got drunk, and brought women back to marry them (sorry I misspelled “fuck”), they nicknamed the “Cosby Suite”.

I don’t give a shit about those specific dudes, I’d just like to believe that a half dozen guys didn’t frame a photo of a man and pose with it because he was a rapist and they planed to follow his example and also rape people.

See, here’s the thing, you are not these people. And lots of people DID know. I mean, you don’t name your weird, rape-y sex room the Cosby Room because you like Jello Pudding Pops, man.

But I’d like to believe that the cosby connection is an unfortunate coincidence that makes the people in this picture look so much worse given what we know now.”

I'd have a hard time finding a generation where it's not prevalent

You make it sound easy, but it’s not.

And yet, the most likely result will be grand total of nothing. Because this has been going on for DECADES, across this and most other industries. And do you know how much has changed over that time? Almost. Nothing. It’s still happening. It’s still flagrant. It’s built right into the way companies operate and are

“Rapper Who Gets Finessed by Buying an Obnoxious Amount of Overpriced Jewelry and Leasing Luxury Cars with no Appreciation Value Tries to School Kids on Hustling”

Question for the cops-if the driver was unidentified, how do they know he was “a suspect in multiple robberies?”

Spoiler alert: there never was any help on the horizon for caregivers in America. Nobody cares. We get to soldier on alone, watching our earning potential dwindle (and, in my case, whatever remained of my fertile years).

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

A person following state law shouldn’t piss a cop off, that is the problem.  They are supposed to uphold the law, not decide what the law actually is.