Waffles are clearly the better syrup delivery vessel.
There is no Shepard without Vakarian
As a slight addition, I think Liara is my favorite LI of all time for similar reasons. Her character is absurd in the first game, but, if chosen, seeing that love story grow and change over the whole trilogy just elevated in to something else.
Ahsoka would like a word.
I mean it’s no Dark Forces/Jedi Knight, but I did quite enjoy Fallen Order
trust me, if it ever happens the headline would lead with the words “holy shit”
Damn it I saw the picture for the article and thought they announced a new Dark Forces game. Now I’m sad.
I think I like DA1's cast a bit better (loved Alistair, loved Morrigan, liked Oghren, loved Zevran), but 2 was still pretty great and well-written. Varric and Isabella stand out as real faves; Anders was great too, although in my first playthrough I kinda disliked him because of how different he was compared to the…
This article seems framed in a weird way considering it doesn’t at all mention the major mental and physical health stuff Togashi has gone through in the past.
The creator has been struggling with health issues that directly affect his ability to sit and work on the series for years, hence the delays. While as a fan it is incredibly frustrating not to have new chapters, I completely sympathize with what he’s going through
The journey is the reward
Also Bogano, if you go back with more upgrades than when you're first there
Yeah, you’ll find it either on Dathomir or Zeffo, depending on which you go to first.
I went to that planet before I had any real upgrades, saw that giant monster walking around and promptly got the hell out of there. I think I should be able to take him now.
How I know you actually played the game:
“Our platform is so good, you don’t even need it.” - Google
Agreed, even looking at the GIFs above, the non-blinking version is more unsettling. Which I think is the point?