

My red flag goes off when they don’t know how to describe themselves as black in a normal way.

I will share an oft-used mantra that we, in the black community use:

My mother is a retired teacher. She would always say, “Don’t leave this house and embarrass me.” We knew that meant don’t act the fool. We also knew how to act, especially with teachers. My principal was a Tuskegee Airman. Nobody messed with him because we had an incredible amount of respect for him.

Read this story with a growing sense of horror throughout at the complete disaster it’ll cause. But for me, the bit that sums it up the most is this quote from the woman who’s responsible:

To be fair, that’s true of most of Indiana.

This story, this dude and that photo all seem like they’re from 1979. 

““They want to turn America into a socialistic country,” Spaeth said. “It’s disgusting.”

Shout out to the little guy who knew something was wrong and tried to break up the fight.

Chances are, she’s already on the way out. Cheerleaders are disposable.

I can’t wait to see all the videos of offended fans burning their erections and/or vowing never to look at cheerleaders again. 

TWO WORDS: “Project Veritas...”

Nothing to add about blackface that hasn't already been covered. I just like to use any Michael Jackson article to remind everyone that "Off the Wall" was a better record than "Thriller".  

People in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, etc. etc. etc.) aren’t going to let their kids go hungry because big city politicians can’t seem to invest the needed resources to handle our nation’s mental health epidemic.

Wrong. This is precisely the time to talk the togetherness bullshit down a notch.

According to Dems scientists, Florida will be underwater in a couple of years anyway. Perhaps we can consider it God’s punishment, a postscript on that Noah story.

He will not fucking stop. I’ve tried pointing out that not every post needs sarcasm, but deaf ears and all that.

It’s not today, but there may come a day when that “humor” of yours isn’t situationally, contextually welcome — in light of not only what’s going on in the news, but who’s being hurt by it (a friend who’s worked as a press secretary for Congress was targeted by the #MAGABomber before his 13 higher-profile targeting

The ex-wife you’re so concerned about having opened your letter probably only had to do that because you were too busy... what with being out the house cheating on her and all.

People who let their domesticated animals wander off their property shouldn't have domesticated animals.

If you can’t keep your pet on your property, you shouldn’t have a pet. Fenced yard? Left indoors? Crate-trained? Whatever works for you and isn’t inhumane, but if your dog or cat keeps getting out and begging for food, chasing pedestrians, killing birds or shitting in the neighbor’s yard, you’ve failed the minimum