
You make me voted for Obama because you liked his policies???? But you don’t like Hillary’s???? They are the same. You must have been in a third or fourth tier law school.

No, true lesbians know how important it is to have women in powerful positions in society. Every educated lesbian I know is voting for Hillary.

Yes, I did. Gender quotas. I’m for them if they are democrats.

Just being a democrat woman is enough, not ANY woman. Any democrat woman is enough. Just as the world has voted for “any male” ad infinitum.

Why are you on this website referring to women as bitches? I love how all of you trolls are so afraid of feminism that you have to monitor our every posts. The greater the backlash, the stronger the feminism.

I will enjoy your penis shrinking even smaller when a woman is elected president.

Policy isn’t what you care about because if it was you wouldn’t be against Hillary. You are sexist and can’t stand the idea of a woman president admit it, Beta Male.

Why are you on Jezebel, Troll?

How to fix the problem: Quotas. Every aspect of movie/television must be 50/50 in gender and ethnic diversity. For every actor, there must be an age/attractiveness commensurate actress. No more old men dating young women. If women must be 10s, then male characters must be 10s as well. Ethnic people must be fully

Wow! How sad that you, a lesbian, is blind to the importance of seeing an educated woman as president. Shame on you.

Yes, I did. I also love quotas.

Remember when Jezebel harshed on ALL MALE PANELS? Well, the presidency has been an all male panel for over a couple hundred years...I think it’s time we have a female member on that panel. Stop making excuses for supporting Bernie over Hillary. It’s straight up sexism intersected with ageism. It’s shocking to read

As a feminist and Hillary Clinton supporter, I find the pro-Sanders bias here disturbing. NOTHING MATTERS MORE THAN SEEING A DEMOCRATIC WOMAN AS PRESIDENT OF AMERICA. NOTHING. How important for black people do you think it was to see a multi-ethnic person break that glass ceiling when President Obama did it? It’s the

There is a clear Bernie bias here. Every time I come here they are cheering Bernie and critiquing Hillary. It’s sad and shocking that a website that used to bring in so many young feminists doesn’t get how important simply seeing A FEMALE PERSON as president is. Would the Bernie fans think that Bernie would be “good