
Jezebel, What Are You Doing? Days of silence on the topic, and then what comes forth is not actually the thinkpiece on sexual coercion and the “ways consent can feel blurring”, on how predators purposefully use bullshit excuses about “miscommunication” to get away with it, about how Ansari is more representative of

Easy there, Julian. Don’t get your fancy TB12 sports panties in a bunch.

What are you doing, John Goodman? :(

Me: *makes a joke*

God I am so sick of you.

Clearly you have not been to Greeley

If you like orange green chile get thyself to Chubby’s. There can be only one.

This was an awesome, needed article, by the way. The title is just... [kisses fingers like a french chef]

I’ve said it a million times since she first became famous: Lena Dunham is the absolute worst piece of talentless, trust-fund hipster, Millenial garbage ever put on this Earth, and I wish nothing less than permanent misery and pain on her for the rest of eternity.

Bradley is obvously a Pens fan. They don’t realize they cheer for the New England Patriots of hockey and Crosby is their Brady.

Between this and ‘Bama it’s been a really hard year for this fellow.

How is he going to watch Yankees games now?!

Travis Kelce does elaborate dances after touchdowns, makes jerking off motions toward refs on the field, gets a stupid unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after dropping an important pass in a playoff game, and has his own reality show in which women compete for the chance to date him. Yet somehow he doesn’t get half the

Jesus, that manager in the 4th story is a real sociopath. How would it even make your scheduling easier to only plan one night ahead, at 4am? Do people just plain enjoy making their employee's lives miserable, for fun?

Are you unable to read? Right blow the picture it says humanized

It is often the people who should NEVER be managers that want to be managers.

I just checked to make sure I had enough whiskey to get through reliving some nightmares and it looks like we are good to go.