
"It worked, Saul."

True enough, but the Iranians still know of her. Whether through a mole in the CIA or some other channel (or they just knew that Saul would be referring to her), she was made famous to them. I mean, that's why Bennett sought her out at the asylum and they surveilled her house and everything.

Not to mention all that news coverage she got earlier in the season. And that rage-against-the-machine front she pulled to get the CIA to consider her a liability.

But to be honest, she's almost as famous as he is. What about that whole Senate hearing thing, and all that news coverage about her? She even went to a news outlet to try to clear her name and talk about the truth behind the Langley bombing (which is what drew the attention of Javadi and his people in the first

It's not like the writers necessarily wanted to drag the Gov's storyline out… Scott Gimple is the new exec producer this year and he himself said that if he was showrunner last year, he would have ended the governor in the season finale.

Nobody's perfect, she might have missed that old guy in her rush to get out of there. Everyone else was neutralized

"…when they come back, the group has been wiped out by zombies."
Nope. The supplies were all taken, that was the point. The implication was another group of humans (or just one other human) got there, didn't hold back, killed them all and stole their supplies. If zombies had overrun that camp, they'd still be there