Alex W Livingston

I’m 100% straight up athiest but I did take a class on Jesus Christ and why he was so influential. At the heart of the class was the psychological tricks he employed to convince others that he was a “special” human with rare talents. Main takeaway was that just like Barry Bonds was taking steroids to become

Adele is great, but from a pure-raw-unedited talent standpoint Beyonce has her beat. I like Adele though. Good sleeping music.

Ugh. Me too. I totally get what you’re saying about this and felt the same way in my experience at Tufts. THIS is why we have a movement. I can’t tell you how many times I cried.

Don’t make me laugh. We are already so mature and changing things for the better. For everyone. Forever.

Wow this was an amazing read. Thank you so much for covering our struggle. If you want an interview from a pretty prominent and respected member of the movement I’m happy to do one.

Thanks. People tell me all the time that I’m a transplant from the 1960s but I actually think we’re doing it better.

Well, it takes a village, right?

No it’s not that at all. I agree with Greer [though not on all points] and I respect her for what she’s done. What I don’t agree with is how universities are now using feminist icons to discredit our movement.

This is a very clear racial micro aggression.

I don’t know. I guess I just kinda get how the machine works?


His father was a rich and famous actor. Sheen grew up with enormous amounts of priveledge. Now that he is afflicted with this taboo sort of disease he is seeing his priveledge evaporate... and he can’t handle that.

I think that only applies to English people. I have always thought the Irish and Scots to be stone cold morons.

That looks like a prettier version of Scarlett Johanesson. She’s like my number one white girl crush.

Hell no. We won’t go.

Can someone tell me when to expect at least one article on the hundreds of student protests going on right now???

I would take his deal over being in jail though. Most people don’t even know his name.

I can’t even...