

I read what everyone says. I don't just read the text, I read the person. Even if the text is bad, that doesn't mean the person is.

I didn't say both sides are awful, or at least that's not what I meant. I know both sides have good intentions, but can't articulate their thoughts before their egos.

Having differing opinions does not automatically make someone a troll, no matter how wildly they stray from your personal beliefs. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you will be able to truly accept people different than yourself.

I do read what they say. At least the megaphones. I've actually seen more concentrated hate directed at them than from them, but I digress. I'll just say I trust the evidence presented by my own eyes over the evidence of people who benefit from their marginalization, for good and ill.

I agree that there isn't a coin we can flip to stand on its side. Peace is certainly more complicated than simple tea time.

You seem to be upset about my concern trolling. Allow me to alleviate those frustrations, if I may.

Yeah, people can be pretty ridiculous!

You don't have to reach them, but you at least have to try. That was my main point anyway. It's not your burden to do so, but it's my recommendation.

The "I had a dream" speech was what I had in mind in particular when I made that post. Instead of going the Black Panther route (which I don't think was unjustified, by the way,) he talked about blacks and whites living together. Perhaps it had more complicated implications than I thought.

You called me a sockpuppet and a troll. That's not nice.

"Cultural" is my catch-all term for minority writers. I didn't want to exclude anyone by applying a specific label.

My, what a hateful thing to say. Were you hoping to elicit a reaction?

That's the thing, though. I don't think that mentality is as widespread as people seem to think it is here. I believe most people are decent (if misguided,) and this political friction is happening because of the disconnect between perceived reality and actual reality.

True. It's sad how everything had to escalate like this.

I'll concede that, then. Still, I don't like how like this Hugo thing is devolving into a war of clubs, which is what my original point was trying to articulate.

Is that person me?

It's only natural to want to be rude back to people who are rude to you.


I understand my disappointment in seeing adults behave in this manner.