
I understand that silence is not consent. I understand that "yes" is consent. It's something I practice in all of my own sexual encounters since my own sexual assault and education on what happened and how I was not at fault for it.

However, I think it's important that we recognize that we, as a culture, are not yet

I'll let your boss know that he or she can feel free to only give you half your income for the day the next time you're not operating at 100%.

i would actually like her to stick around. not because of this extremely bizarre and eye-roll-inducing agreement, but because let's be real: those sandwich ideas are pretty fucking awesome. i just looked at her blog for the first time, and...

i'm not gonna lie...reading this prompted me to put on pants and go out to buy a chicken burrito. that bite of sour cream was delicious.

i shouldn't have eaten before reading this. i, too, am dizzy...and now nauseous. that could just be the quizno's, though. perhaps my experiment is not truly scientific.

twitter must not think that facebook's layout is that reprehensible...since it pretty much just rolled out the 'facebook jr.' layout itself.

this is everything ever. i will never fall out of love.

my fucking thoughts exactly. what the fuck is wrong with these people? a person in power abused that power by fucking sexually assaulting someone. i don't care if he had a boner or not, he's a fucking minor incapable of consent.

i feel like i'm taking fucking crazy pills here. fuck.

i am impressed with your joke. i am more impressed by the fact that i actually took the time to read through every response to it.

i think i need to get out more.

i should not have laughed at that. especially not as hard as i did.

"...but people do it, and they do it fairly often."

Can we please talk about T-Swift and her instagram photo? Or more accurately, the comments on it? Some little kid saying, "Rape her cancer hard and then kill that bitch."


Does anyone else maybe take issue with the headline talking about "never saying never" to bisexuality...when it's not a choice?

i love that the go-to insult-not-insult is "darling."

It must suck knowing your gender is physically AND intellectually inferior...Is that why all of you fat hairy monsters are so angry all the time?

This photo is just...yes. Yes for this photo and this headline, misleading though the headline may be.

I was not alive during this era. I would still like an invite to this tour. I am not doing anything of merit or consequence with my time currently.