
This is so sad. Even when he wrote about things that didn’t interest me, he had a fun, enjoyable voice that made the read a pleasure.

Being scientifically correct isn’t the issue. A man is being sexually abused and manipulated by his cousin, and he wrote in begging for help, which Oz promptly ignored.

I’m a big proponent of the switch, but I’m curious about people like me.  People who rent, and only have garage space for one vehicle, which doesn’t have an outlet.  Will there be an incentive for landlords to make their properties EV accessible?

There’s a reason we register sex offenders...

ANY kind of quipping, inevitably gets repetitive and annoying.

I know the solid state is faster, but I still can’t bring myself to dish out those prices for that little space. I have a 5TB WD Black drive that I got for $120, and I just swap stuff over to the internal drive when I’m going to be actively playing a game.

I know the solid state is faster, but I still can’t bring myself to dish out those prices for that little space. I

Games are a different creature than they were 20 years ago. You could spend literal YEARS polishing a game, and never be done. At a certain point, you need to say “by the time it releases, we’ll have the big bugs ironed out, so let’s send it to manufacturing.”

Never been able to get into Saints Row.  Bought Gat out of Hell on sale a few years back, and it never grabbed me.  Hopefully the Day 1 patch fixes a lot of the issues, and maybe I’ll check it out when it hits $15-20.

I’m not a big fan of the 30% cut every storefront takes, but it seems like a stretch to call Sony’s digital distribution a monopoly. And of the big three, they seem to have the most consistent sales, with the deepest discounts.

As long as I get a 3rd Shadow of Mordor game...

Maybe adults should chill the fuck out about pokemon cards in a kid’s meal. My kid completely missed out last time they did this, because a bunch of 38yo’s went and bought multiple happy meals. I was pleasantly surprised when we grabbed him a HM the other day, and they actually had cards in them.

If your substance disorder is leading you to break into people’s homes and drive so recklessly that people die, then you should be ashamed.  Just because addiction is a disease doesn’t give a person a free pass when they fuck up.

At least she didn’t kill or seriously injure anybody else with her reckless behavior.

Two points:

Agreed. Naughty Dog make fantastic games, but the “game-ness” of them is always the weakest part.

Personally, not a fan of audio descriptions in captions. My particular hearing loss is around the range voices are at.  So I can hear background ambience just fine, but words get jumbled and sometimes lost entirely. But more accessibility options are always welcome.

My old man was a Maine Coon, and he was the sweetest, smartest cat I’ve ever known.

Wow!  I’ve been a fan of the game since release day, but this is the first update that brought back that initial excitement from pre-release!
