
I tried it three times before it finally clicked for me.  Second season is when it really found it’s voice.

I prefer the “everything in continuity” theory. Every character you see an actor play is in continuity with every other character, and you just have to fill in the gaps from A to B. For instance, after the death of his parents, Robert Pattinson bounced around from boarding school to boarding school, and after

My old man was a Maine Coon, and he was the sweetest, smartest cat I’ve ever known.

That’s a fair point.  But the compensation these people are expecting is reasonable with that interpretation.  $25k to the original creator of Deadpool would be a reasonable amount, given how much that character has grown and changed through different writers.

I think we can all agree that it just wasn’t a very good movie.  An important movie, sure.  But it wasn’t very well written.  I dislike “ranking” MCU movies, but I definitely liked Thor TDW better than Black Panther.

Wow!  I’ve been a fan of the game since release day, but this is the first update that brought back that initial excitement from pre-release!


I usually alternate; an AAA game like Spider-Man or God of War, and then a smaller more thoughtful one, like Journey or Ori.

When you get enough tattoos, not every one has to have a special meaning. I recently got a cow being abducted by a UFO because 1) my friend is learning to tattoo, 2) I thought it was funny, and 3) I wanted another tattoo. I had 9 tattoos already, and don’t really care if it has some kind of deep meaning.  

It’s a business made up of people.  People work better when they feel secure and valued.

If you company has to reassure you that “nobody is getting laid off” run. Run like hell. A stable, profitable company wouldn’t have to primp around, talking about all the people they’re NOT laying off.

Arceus was my first pokemon game, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.  I plan on playing more, and now I’m a little concerned about how the previous/next games will play after everything I’ve heard.

I hated the WW look when that first trailer came out.  It was too drastic of a change.  But I am happy to eat my words, considering the excellent game that came of it.

These companies are reaping what they’ve sown. They’ve padded the pockets of “business friendly” politicians for so long, now it’s going to cost them in employee travel expenses and PR.

I loath blind bag with the fury of a thousand suns. There have been so many collectibles I would have loved to get over the years, but I patently refused to buy them because they were blind bagged.  It’s essentially gambling in my eyes.

Fuck off.  Everybody has vices.  Including you.  You’re not any better, just because your vices are different.

Because everybody knows adults don’t like sweet things. /s

Seriously! Just regulate the amount of nicotine allowed in vape cartridges, and you’re done! Instead, they’re just going to push people BACK to regular cigarettes.

What annoys me are the companies that decide certain segments MUST be hard, even on easy mode.  The OG God of War did this.  Hades was damn near impossible the first time I played the game on easy.  I eventually beat the game on God difficulty, but that was extremely annoying when I hit that wall.