
You can believe several things at once. You can believe that police shouldn’t shoot innocent black men. You can believe that people, period, shouldn’t be shooting other people. You can believe that the Rodney King verdict, which influenced the verdict in the Simpson case, was a mockery of justice. You can also believe

While the movie had about a million problems, the more the critics rail against it, the more people are going to watch it just to see how bad it is. Those people will see that the movie takes itself a little too seriously at points, but is mostly watchable, and are going to think “Why on earth do all the critics want

Honestly, I get it. Critics didn’t like the movie but it wasnt bad. The production value was good I didn’t have any issues with the acting and overall it was a fun mindless action movie. I get that they tried to touch on societal and racial issues but if you just watch it as an action movie and not something smarter