
This format sucks. Is it really generating enough new revenue to justify it?


The Stinger still looks fresh and awesome, this MMC definitely looks great. They get my attention every single time I see one, they are pretty popular in the DC Metro area.

I know what you mean! I meant its first ground-up electric car, not one that’s been adapted from an existing gas-powered car.

I’m guessing you don’t live in a dead GM town in Michigan with a median household income of $30,000 a year.

My wife and I bought a duplex last summer. The first thing our new property manager did was raise the rent from $525 to the market rate of $700 a month - a 33% increase. The vacancy was filled in 2 weeks with a dozen people wanting to rent it.

I like it.

Grand Wagoneer can miss me - but THIS i am in on. Affordable people and thing hauler that get better than 20 MPG. I love hatches vans and small cars - the world needs more smart thinking instead of just bigger is better thinking. 

Mitsubishi is the undead zombie car company. You thought they were dead, but they keep coming back.

I know no one who has seriously considered a Mitsubishi when buying a new car (since the Lancer/Eclipse/Gallant went away, that is), and I don’t see many new ones on the roads, yet they continue to exist.

I have (had) a buddy who was a fairly normal dude before his first harley. He is now the typical harley stereotype. Not sure if it was already inside him waiting for harley to hatch it out of if the harley is that infectious that it can change someone just like that. Either way, me no wanty.

And that is just the staff in the dealerships, the owners are even worse.

nope they want the Covair- it’s the Covid version

Its not the price of Harleys thats the problem. Its the people who ride them.

Kia Soul are great. Wife got a used Soul Red zone with 15k miles on it for $15900. Great fun detailing, red striping and rainbow lightup stereo speakers. Had the 2.0L 164hp motor. so much better than any dang CUV crap. was actually peppy and handled decently. Reminded me of why i liked the Toyota Matrix. The new one

Will the dealers scrape off the confederate flag and swastika decals before selling them on, too?

+1. I thought they were stupid econo-crap until I got one as a rental. Then? bloody-hell, this is a solid car.

I’ve always wanted a Kia Soul, but I’d need it in black just so I could describe to people what I have

There was a time when I would cheerfully shit on the Kia Soul. Then I was t-boned by a lady driving an uninsured G-Wagon who blew through a stop sign while talking on her phone. My Saab survived the encounter, but the incident did nothing to improve the historic Swedish-German enmity.

Why do big ass SUVs always have to park next to my xB when I park far enough back to leave a spot on each side?