
did you learn the lesson about the differences between things?


They've written like 3 articles about it, and a gizallion about how great his shows were. so calm down.

when we're all harassing Joss with death threats we can come back to this.

but women's roles are, quite often, less good, which puts them at a disadvantage…

Spike's was good but Drusilla's is pretty terrible.

pssst the teapot is animated

Er my argument is that something invented one place can become the "national dish" of another. You can disagree.

OK: it was invented in Glasgow, but that doesn't mean it's not regarded by some as the national dish of England.

that line was in Fellowship. :P

I am pretty sure that talking and singing chipmunks would be famous regardless of comparative talent to humans but I am also sure that some sinister scientists would be wanting to capture them and do experiments on them. That would be the plot of my film.

total bull

Old computers didn't have curly quotes, so there was for a time lots of competing standards for storing them which messed up interoperability between operating systems. Even now, though Unicode (which solves this) has been around for ages, there's still weird use cases which mean curly quotes don't work as expected

1. it was damaged when the planes few into the nearby towers & further when those buildings fell down

I dunno; a lot of them worked on the TV version

main thing is that they've removed all the jokes, making it just a weird space thing. Would have been better being 20 or 30 mins longer, with the jokes in. (not got a problem with the plot changes on the whole, which were in Adams draft I believe)

one thing that's weird is that Cinderella is 100% passive the whole way through. Everything just… happens to her.

WAIT so how come Lumiere is the only one who has a French accent?


It says it has a proximity sensor so it automatically unlocks when you're near it. Brilliant idea for those of us that may lock our bikes around the corner or on the other side of a thin wall.