Awesome's Razor

Jezspin forever

Bill Murray is the best, it’s almost a cliché story at this point but he actually crashed my friend’s wedding reception. You know who is NOT the best? Complete piece of shit Jim Spanfeller. 

[Anal] Blood for the Blood God

Strange that my favorite fruit candy, Hi-Chew, is nowhere on the list.

If anyone wants to hit up ole’ Jimmy Spanny himself and ask him what the fuck is going on, here’s his number! 917-881-5965

Speaking for everyone, where’s xanax?

I think it’s fair to acknowledge that we don’t know anything close to the full picture of what’s going on, and give Drew the benefit of the doubt, while still being a bit disappointed that he’s the only writer to publish a post since Barry got fired.

*chef's kiss*

What else are you going to do?  Work?  

Drew, is it true that neither Jim Spanfeller nor Paul Maidment ever had friends, a girlfriend, made any sports team, or has seen The Godfather? Is it also true that Jim smells like sweaty hobo taint and Paul smells like a urinal puck?

Clearly, he did not think Mitch was turtle-y enough for the Turtle Club

This just happened.

Just wishing all of you the best. This situation sucks, your management sucks even worse, and I hope all the staff makes it through to the other side at a place where you’re actually appreciated.

How great would it be if the other blogs all started covering sports today?

You know, if you resurrect Foodspin, you could Stick to Sprouts.

I am extremely interested in this afternoon’s Funbag.

This dog writer also lives a life free of names mandates and masters. I met read him while he was roaming a dark and hectic parking lot near the concrete canyons of lower Midtown Manhattan near a popular tourist location Authentic New York Slice with another dog companion other writers. I watched him and the other dog

When Mexico sends its dogs, they’re not sending their best. Their best dogs are clearly still in Mexico.”

Also, in the event the G/O management succeeds in banishing politics from all the blogs, we’ve created a refugee camp here: