Mister Pants

Gouda one!

Of <cock>?

I wish I'd made that comment!

I have a good cock au vin recipe if you need to use them up.

I'm sick of all this televisual correctness!

Uh…Drain the Swamp People?

Well, we are labeling racist remarks racist, in the comments of an article about an alleged racist incident.

It's (post) true!

Make Americans Great Again! This past season was a bit of a slog.

It's not uncommon for victims of severe trauma to avoid talking about it.


Specifically, people who differentiate between types of Klingons.

I'M NOT A RACIST, BUT I am totally a racist.

Unless they're speaking Klingon. It is appropriate to fear and shun anyone speaking Klingon.

Why, I artichoke you for threatening me!

Or, why I don't go to Jimmy John's anymore!

I don't carrot all what you think of my puns!

I can't beet that pun!

I hear the scenery is majestyk there

First they came for the YouTubers…