Mister Pants

This is probably the best show that I've had to quit watching because it was depressing me too much.

Nothing makes me feel older than the idea that millions of people watch videos of other people playing videogames. Well, that and my inability to maintain an erection.

Have you read the Good Tweet about eSports?

Moonrise Kingdom
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Bottle Rocket
The Darjeeling Limited

Sorry, what's that? I was busy yelling at a cloud!

Now this is the kind of utterly pointless, work-intensive nonsense that I like to see on GJI!

It should be called aSports!

Another proud Trump University alum!

I guess I'll watch it.


*rolls d20*

The guy who wrote that babadabadoo song is calling other people dumbfucks?

2016: "I'm killing as fast as I can!"

You'll love the gazpacho challenge!

That is pretty much the whole incident in a nutshell!

Absolutely, yes, they are lifestyle porn. Most people who watch food shows like Top Chef or the Anthony Bourdain travelogues will never be able to travel to their exotic locales or afford to eat at the high-end restaurants featured on the shows. They appeal to and exploit the aspirational nature of humans. (And I say

I'm not your mate, buddy!

I think what made the whole thing go from "probably a bad idea" to "almost certainly a horrible idea" was that the hosts tried to acknowledge the vile history of the setting while striving to maintain polite Top Chef decorum. So you have Padma lamely avoiding mentioning the word "slavery," euphemistically referring

This panini press isn't hot enough to melt provolone!

Yeah, I cringed at this part of the episode – it doesn't get much more awkward than staging an elimination challenge between a black man and a white man at a plantation. But it wouldn't be Top Chef without some instance of racial tone deafness! And I do think it would be worse in some ways if the show completely