Mister Pants

I've found his work rather hit and miss, but for me, The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth are enough to absolve any of his lesser efforts.

The best reason, really.

Nah, I threw 'em out. They weren't valuable or anything. At least…I don't think…

I've always wished I could be a wacky obsessive collector like this guy, but I just can't sustain the interest. I had a pretty good Pez dispenser collection going on in the 90s, but at some point I was just like "meh."

Nailed it!

Agreed, the abruptness was what bugged me about it. They're just standing there, and then it's like, "well, I guess we should kiss now."

The linked article put it best: "It's like the movie is smashing two very pleasant, but politely uninterested Barbie dolls against each other."

♫ And if you can't be with the Agent Carter you love, honey
Love the Agent Carter you're with ♫

The Son, I am disappoint.


…that time…

Spielberg got the job done in about a year. These kids are losers!

My uncle literally never saw a movie in the theater in his entire life, except once, when I convinced him to take me to Raiders of the Lost Ark. Fortunately, he liked it! For years afterward he was always bringing up how awesome it was when the Nazi guy's face melted. And I was always glad I picked that to be his one

I've had it with all of these unnecessary remakes!

It's cool that they let their mom play in the band!

That first paragraph was strong with "padded out English class essay."

Dark, gritty reboot of your comment: Please, enough with the goddamn fucking superheroes.

And they even come in a convenient red pill!

Asimov what you did there.

Check out the dork who hasn't been absorbed into the hive mind!